
uvu's library

so here i am on the first level of the library... which to me is designated as the computer floor. and i do not like this floor for one second, my reasons:
1-too many people passing through, or talking, or just there!
2- it's more of a computer lab, not a library.
3-there is a little cafe place that makes me hungry
4-it's loud.

but luckily there is five levels to this library, and the higher i go, the better it gets!! on the fifth floor there is a little area that has some students art displayed (ya best thing ever!!) and it is crazy quiet up there, everyone is busy doing work. and it has super great spots to loung around, as well as window walls that either look out to the mountains or the parking lot. both spots so so great!! but the best part is, there is never more then like fifteen people up there!! bomb. dot. com


  1. hey, the 5th floor of my library is where i am right this second! it's where i work :) yay 5th floor babes.

  2. we don't even have a fifth floor in our library lol, but there are these cool study rooms that me kenz tiff and britt attempted to do some homework in... lets just say for the hours we were there only half the time we got things done lol. love ya! I heard the uvu library is sweet!
