
so today was also just another great day!! the best part was my floor had a party like shin dig. and my ra hillary (best ra ever known!!) had us trace ourselves on this huge sheet of paper.  then we had to write everything we liked about ourselves... i thought of things pretty quickly for this. the best was then she had us write what we didn't like about ourselves, and if you would have asked me that question a week or so ago i could've given you a list of like hundreds of things... but tonight, i honestly had to hesitate for a while about it!!!! yes you heard right, sara gagon hesitated when asked what she didn't like about herself. the other crazy thing is i think of at least twenty negitive things about myself in a day, but today, i didn't have a single negitive thought about myself.
the thing that made it change, was some advise a girl gave me... to pray to not have those negetive thoughts... and i can say from experience, it works. and i can say i am so so so happy.
:) :) :) :) :)

1 comment:

  1. who's this girl you speak of?
    she sounds pretty smart

