
random thoughts throughout my scattered brain

so today while i was people watching in my school during lunch, there was about twenty billion different things that ran through my head. i couldn't remember all of them, but i wrote some in my phone cause i knew i wanted to blog about them. so people can know what goes on in my brain every min. :)

-i saw at least ten girls in leggings looking great, i want to get skinny girl legs so i can strut myself in leggings too!!

-i noticed that the shorter the man/ guy got, the more cocky he made himself be... maybe to make up for his lack of height? idk i just noticed it.

-girls in high heals turn heads... not just because she fell down

-i totally forgot to put mascra on before i left for school today, and when i went to the bathroom i noticed i look like a homeless girl without it, also because i have these purple rungs under my eyes as well... they need to go.

-boots are in, even ugg ones... which i have never cared for

-i saw a boy who had pretty long hair... best ringlet hair i have ever seen, girls or boys. it was beautiful!!

-black people can do or say whatever they want, and everyone loves it because they have color pigment... but i totally am falling into that category, i like color :)

-i found an updated where's waldo walking through the halls!!! he had on a sweet colored beene, and had awesome glasses that were almost circles, but not... plus great style.

-i am jealous of crazy people, cause they show who they really are on the inside all the time, and don't care what people say around them... life would be alot different if we all embraced that attitude...

i love people watching more then anything i swear!!! if only there was a career where i got to just people watch all day long...

there are the thoughts i had while watching the students in my hallway today :)

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