
oh the joys of being a girl....

no this is not going to be about my lady parts, no sir!!! this is about the joys of feeling about one hundred different emotions in one day...
started with tired (of course) then ended with very happy.
                   in between was alot of other emotions but no need to list them all.
i did some homework that was much needed, not all of it but i am still happy,
supported my awesome brother in his softball game,
went running with a not too awkward return missionary, as well as my bff,
then came home to a much needed letter :) :) with some great testimonies and pictures... i'd show them but that'd be creepy.
and then basically ended my night with joining this blog.... isn't she just amazing???!!!! i thought so too :)
just wanted to tell you how my day went, i could go into greater detail like i normally do, but ya know what? i am over telling everyone about my entire life... or at least for tonight i am :)
over and out.

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